Ticket Prices
Some events will be ticketed events. Please contact the promoter or organization to secure your tickets. Event promoters will determine the price and availability of tickets.
Before You Travel
Below is a list of where you'll find the Torchmen singing. We try hard to keep this page up to date, but please call ahead before travelling a long distance as things do have a tendancy to change.
We'll see you there
Gospel Drive-In Meetings 7:00 PM
Tavistock Bible Chapel
Truck Center West of Shakespeare on Highway 7 - Shakespeare Ontario
Contact Information
Website: https://tavistockbc.org/
Gary Williams - 519-276-2001
Niagara Antique Power Association
Niagara Antique Power Association
1957 Wilhelm Rd - Sherkston, Ontario. 10 AM & 1:30 PM
Contact Information
Website: niagaraantiquepower.org/
Derek Fretz - 905-834-3083
Carrick Camp Concert 7:00 PM
Carrick Camp - Rr 5, Mildmay, Ontario
Contact Information
Website: carrickcamp.com/gospel-concerts
Gary - 519-367-2092